Thursday, 27 September 2012

Kalaga Tapestry

Yesterday, we found a beautiful Kalaga tapestry. We were unsure of what it was at first and we did not buy it, but after some research we realised it was a very interesting piece and went back today, to find that, luckily, it was unsold

So what is a Kalaga?
"Kalaga” is the traditional name for embroidered tapestries done entirely by hand from Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand. This traditional handcrafted art goes back more than a century, with origins from both regions.

The ancient craft technique was to attach gold and silver threads, called “Shwe Chi Doe” in Burmese, on backing cloth and decorated with glass beads. Mostly they were also adorned with real jewels and gemstones. These materials were quite rare at the time, and this made ancient kalagas exclusive to the royals and riches.

Early recorded kalagas featured narrative designs of religious significance like Pagodas (Buddhist Temples) and tales from the “Jataka”. Jatakas refers to folklore-like literature native to India concerning stories of previous birth of the Buddha until his enlightenment. Here, mythical and auspicious creatures are often pictured. For instance the Hintha (symbol of noble character and purity),peacocks (represents the sun and beauty), the naga or dragon (guardian spirit) and royal elephants are often seen. Designs of Royal Palaces and Courts have also been found, and this also shows strong influence from Myanmar's royal palaces in Mandalay.

The below pic is a fine example of one. Once i have taken a picture of ours, I will upload it here.

Image taken from:
For more information on Kalagas, click this

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